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Category: Insurance for Contractors

News about California Worker’s Comp Reform

News about California Worker’s Comp Reform

Insurance companies have a history of problems with the State of California and it seems to be happening again.  During a period between the 1990s and early 2000s, many workers compensation carriers either left the California market or stopped writing insurance in the state.  Then in 2003, former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger helped create reforms which stopped the exodus of workers Read More

New California Task Force to Stop Uninsured Contractors

New California Task Force to Stop Uninsured Contractors

California recently created the Joint Enforcement Strike Force’s Construction Enforcement Project.  This was a collaborative effort by the Contractors State License Board, Employment Development Department, and the California Department of Insurance.  The main concerns of this task force was to stop construction orders to uninsured employers, reduce owner-builder permits, target contractors who evade payroll taxes, and increase criminal charges for Read More

The Risks of Legionella Disease for Contractors

The Risks of Legionella Disease for Contractors

Contractors know of the dangers of construction sites.  With many moving parts, there are dangers from vehicles that have obstructed views as the roll around a job.  There are also a look of power tools and hardware which can lead to bloody accidents and bad falls from ladders. But there are also unseen dangers present at every turn.  In renovations Read More

New Workers’ Compensation Bill in California

New Workers’ Compensation Bill in California

The state of California is subjected to the third highest workers’ compensation rates in the entire US, trailing only Alaska and Connecticut according a survey completed this year.  The rate that California businesses pay out is $2.92 per $100 of salary, which is 55 percent greater than the national median rate.  In 2010, California was the fifth the last time Read More

As a Contractor, what is a Waiver of Subrogation?

As a Contractor, what is a Waiver of Subrogation?

There is a legal term that shows up throughout legal documents regarding real estate, personal guarantees and insurance.  The rights of subrogation are generally broken up into five different categories.  The first is regarding people’s debts, the right of subrogation allows a person who paid off another person’s debt to seek the repayment from that person.  There is another subrogation Read More

Becoming Aware of Worksite Pollutants and Finding Solutions

Becoming Aware of Worksite Pollutants and Finding Solutions

As a contractor, there are many concerns day to day.  Schedules must be kept to finish a job on time and sometimes workers who are hurrying are not as careful as they should be while completing their work.  It is easy to remember the need for insurance that covers personal injury claims, property damage claims or other negligence, but it Read More